Happy 2016!


It took me years (and years and years) to get a new website up and launched because I work towards the 'end' perfection vs. progress. The interesting thing about that is nothing is ever complete...and yet everything is complete just the way it is.

Then I fell off the blogging wagon because life intervened and the less I wrote the more I felt like I didn't have much to say. To be honest I probably have too much to say because I don't get out enough, and then it just becomes a broken dam of words barreling at you, not making much sense and your best bet is probably to come prepared with a dingy or life jacket if we ever get a chance to talk.

So in my offline hiatus, I hadn't blogged anything about my baby boy.
At first it was really hard for me to share him with the cyber world, and then it just became another thing 'to do'.

And honestly? I have a hard time with this online world, torn between wanting to be a very private person, to being inspired by those who are very transparent. It's the real and vulnerable that move me, literally. People's honest stories are what we connect with. And yet I find myself scrolling through Instagram at times, envious of the accounts where mamas are so pretty and perfect. Is that really how they enjoy their coffee? I think to myself, I wonder how many retakes they just put their toddler through? The envy quickly is replaced by...not a whole lot. Because there's nothing there to relate too. I have always loved honesty, the kind that is raw and shines a light on the shit that no one wants to see. Weird? I know right, and yet that shit is exactly what I need to see to get my ass into gear.

There's nothing inspiring about seeing only one side to every life, every person, every situation. There's nothing we connect to as people when everything appears perfect. We are bound by the whole, the dark and the light, the perfect and not so perfect, the beauty and the chaos.
And although it's super challenging for me to accept this at times, it's something I will continually try to embrace.

So, in an effort to be part of the inspiring and brave, I have this new shiny space to write and share...And as much as I fear, why bother, who's going to read this, does anyone even have time anymore, what could I possibly have to say? Well, it's more for me -- to challenge myself to continue doing something that I love (writing), maybe even getting better at it. Also to become more consistent at this business thing by sharing the beautiful stories and projects of the people I work with. I'll make it a little more personal with a whole lot of stuff I love.
Who knows, maybe a small following will find it's way through all of this, it's something I could definitely use more of in my life...

Please don't be afraid to reach out, comment or share. I'd love to hear from you!

Here's to a brand New Year!
May you have a year full of abundant everything! Making all your dreams come true.
From our little family to yours...xo

jodi renée

Source: jodirenee.com